Presentations from practical training

Biology and Genetics for students of Dentistry

year 2009-2010

updated Dec. 13th, 2010

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Biology and Genetics, 2nd year, dentistry
Topic prepared by format
.mht .pdf
Mono and dihybridism, phenotypic ratios. Genetics of ABO, MN and Rh systems dr. Mihalová nothing yet nothing yet
Genealogy, pedigree chart, types of inheritance in pedigrees, examples of monogenic disorders in men dr. Mihalová link link
Mitosis, normal karyotype, microscopic observation and movies dr. Mihalová odkaz odkaz
Human karyotype, meiotic division, chromosome segregation, nondisjunction, demonstration of videorecords dr. Mihalová nothing yet nothing yet
Numerical chromosomal aberrations - syndromes dr. Mihalová nothing yet nothing yet
Structural chromosomal aberrations - syndromes dr. Mihalová nothing yet nothing yet
Gene linkage dr. Mihalová nothing yet nothing yet
Gene interactions, polygenic inheritance dr. Mihalová nothing yet nothing yet
Population genetics, CHW formula, small population, genetic drift dr. Mihalová nothing yet nothing yet
Molecular genetics I dr. Mihalová nothing yet nothing yet
Molecular genetics II. Examples of DNA diagnostics dr. Mihalová nothing yet nothing yet
Ontogenesis, examples from genetics of congenital defects, teratogenesis dr. Mihalová nothing yet nothing yet
Immunogenetics, transplantation principles,genetics of HLA and Rh systems dr. Mihalová nothing yet nothing yet
Examples of familial tumors,molecular genetics of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes dr. Mihalová nothing yet nothing yet
Principles of genetic consultation, risk assessment,indication of preventive measures dr. Mihalová nothing yet nothing yet