Biology and Genetics - practical exercises for dentistry students

Winter semester 2012-2013

Albertov 4, first floor on the right, 3rd door (BIOLS2)

Thursday 14:15-16:30

Winter semester practical exercises - schedule
Week Dates Topic Prepared by
1 October 4th, 2012 Introduction. mono and dihybridism, phenotypic ratios. Genetics of ABO, MN and Rh systems. dr. Panczak
2 October 11th, 2012 Genealogy, pedigree chart, types of inheritance in pedigrees, examples of monogenic disorders in men dr. Panczak
3 October 18th, 2012 Mitosis, normal karyotype, microscopic observation and movies dr. Panczak
4 October 25th, 2012 Human karyotype, meiotic division, chromosome segregation,non disjunction, demonstration of videorecords dr. Liška, *dr. Panczak
5 November 1st, 2012 Numeric and structural chromosomal aberrations - syndromes. dr. Liška
6 November 8th, 2012 Gene linkage, polygenic inheritance dr. Liška
7 November 15th, 2012 Population genetics, CHW formula, small population, genetic drift. dr. Liška, *prof. Kohoutová, *dr. Kotlas
8 November 22nd, 2012 Molecular genetics I. prof. Křenová
9 November 29th, 2012 Molecular genetics II. Examples of DNA diagnostics. prof. Křenová
10 December 6th, 2012 Immunogenetics, transplantation principles,genetics of HLA and Rh systems. dr. Liška
11 December 13th, 2012 Ontogenesis, examples from genetics of congenital defects, teratogenesis. prof. Otová
12 December 20th, 2012 Examples of familial tumors, Molecular genetics of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. dr. Kotlas
13 January 3rd, 2013 Principles of genetic consultation, risk assessment,indication of preventive measures. dr. Kotlas
14 January 10th, 2013 Credits. Consultations. dr. Kotlas
15 January 17th, 2013 Credits. Consultations. dr. Kotlas