Biology and Genetics - lectures

Summer semester 2013

"Big auditorium" of the Purkyně Institute (Albertov 4)

Tuesday, 1:30-2:00 p. m.

Summer semester lectures - schedule
Week Date Topic Lecturer
1 February 19th, 2013 Introduction, impact of genetics on medicine, Mendelian principles prof. Křenová
2 February 26th, 2013 Genealogy, traits with Mendelian mode of inheritance in pedigrees dr. Liška
3 March 5th, 2013 Biology and genetics of Procaryotes (and viruses) dr. Liška
4 March 12th, 2013 Biology and genetics of Eucaryotes, cell cycle prof. Šeda
5 March 19th, 2013 Cell cycle regulation prof. Křenová
6 March 26th, 2013 Genetic aspects of mitosis, meiosis, regulation, disturbances dr. Liška
7 April 2nd, 2013 Human karyotype: structure and function of chromosomes, techniques prof. Křenová
8 April 9th, 2013 Human karyotype: changes in chromosome number, syndromes dr. Mihalová
9 April 16th, 2013 Human karyotype: changes in chromosome structure, syndromes dr. Mihalová
10 April 23rd, 2013 Genetic linkage, its evaluation, impact on medicine dr. Liška
11 April 30th, 2013 Gene interactions - changes in segregation ratios dr. Panczak
12 May 7th, 2013 Multifactorial inheritance - examples from human genetics prof. Šeda
13 May 14th, 2013 Nonmendelian phenomena in medical genetics dr. Panczak
14 May 21st, 2013 Population genetics, factors influencing CHW equilibrium, impact on medicine dr. Panczak